Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce


— Anni Luce

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the birth of the Lumiere lamp, designed by Dordoni in 1990, Foscarini wanted to tell in an exhibition the most important events and changes of the last 25 years: a fast quarter of a century that has been characterized by epochal changes.
Elisa Ossino Studio, in charge of designing an installation that could recount this story, imagined telling the events through a scenic video-installation in which the most important events and developments of the last 25 years flow before our eyes, simultaneously, projected on 26 different screens, a stream of sounds and images in movement that from 1990 to 2015 have written our story. The walls of the hall that housed the exhibition were populated with screen surfaces slightly inclined at random that appeared as a multifaceted set.

Installation project Elisa Ossino Studio
Contents Michele Calzavara

Triennale di Milano
Milano Design Week, FuoriSalone 2016

Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce
Elisa Ossino Studio — Foscarini — Anni Luce